Crystal Bed Sessions

If your looking for physical/emotional healing, feeling of peace, or want to feel balanced in your LIFE again, then read on.


Reported Benefits:

crystal bed

  • Sense of peace
  • Relief of Pain  -both decreased pain/completely resolved
  • Release of emotions, such as, sadness, fear, & depression
  • Clarity in life situations
  • Feel revitalized/energized
  • Feeling emotionally balanced
  • Having a sense of oneness
  • Heightened awareness
  • Feeling happy & content
  • Improved health
  • A clearing of old habits/patterns
  • Greater ease in dealing with change and transitions

**This modality is non-invasive and has no contra-indications. It’s an effective stand alone treatment, as well as, augments other healing modalities (i.e. acupuncture, sound therapy, energy therapy, hypnotherapy, herbs) and western medicine treatments (i.e. chemotherapy, surgery). It’s also a wonderful preventive tool!

What to expect from a crystal bed session?

You will lay under the crystals on a massage table fully clothed for either 20 mins/30 mins/40 mins/60 mins,  with your eyes closed, listening to soft music.

Many people report falling asleep, some report feeling sensations coming up & dissipating in various parts of the body, & some have emotions come up to be released. Whatever the experience, it’s perfect and right for the you.



**Crystal bed combined with a energy healing session & intuitive coaching “full session”:

** I consider this two sessions in one. A powerful combination! These treatments are for those that want to do DEEP healing work and develop a stronger connection to your authentic self.

I offer an 1 hour long session and  1.5 hour session-recommended for new clients as you spend at least 30 – 45 minutes more on the intuitive coaching. Also great if you’re wanting more guidance and support throughout your healing process.



Contact Information:

Wanna schedule a session  contact me

For more information about the John of God Crystal bed then click “More Info”.