Cost of Crystal Bed Sessions
I do these sessions as a stand-alone treatment or as an add on to my energy healing sessions.
If you are adding this on to my energy healing, I will only do a 20 min minimum or a maximum of 30 minutes for the session. In my experience that is quite a lot of energy healing at one time. I will also discount the crystal bed when you add it to my energy healing session for $10.00 extra for 20 minutes and $20.00 extra for 30 minutes.
Crystal bed as a stand-alone treatment:
20 minutes/30 min/40min/60min sessions = $30.00/$40.00/$50.00/$70.00 respectively
I accept cash, checks, and *credit cards; Please make checks payable to Blooming Heart Healing Arts, PLLC.
Contact me to set up your appointment today!
*Payment plans are available; Please contact me to discuss payment options if you are experiencing economic hardship.
**The time scheduled for you is reserved exclusively for you. If you do not keep the appointment, no one else will be able to use the time. Therefore, I ask that you please give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel an appointment. If you do not call or email within 24 hours you will be billed $40.00 for the session, unless of course, their was extenuating circumstances. If you cancel a second time, I will bill you the full amount for the session.